Tips for a Successful Cabin Cruise – The GlobeSailor

But before the departure comes the preparation and with it, questions. After listing the golden rules to prepare for your boat rental, you will find all the practical information you need to make your cabin cruise a success in this article.  

Here, we’ll address the two most commonly asked questions before you hop on board:

  • Will I get seasick? 
  • Will I get along well with the other passengers? 

When boarding, you may be lucky enough to discover that the sensation of rolling waves, sometimes felt depending on the sailing conditions, has no effect on you. You have a sailor’s foot! For the others, it will take a few hours to get used to the rhythm of the boat and be at ease on board. Yes, this can include a “seasick” phase… Solutions exist to reduce the symptoms! 


We advise you to take a medication like Mercalm, normally available in pharmacies, which helps fight against seasickness. There are also homeopathic or essential oils solutions. Do not hesitate to ask your doctor for advice. Some motion sickness sufferers also recommend the use of an anti-seasickness bracelet when symptoms appear at sea, which works thanks to an acupuncture point on the wrist. 

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