Screaming Frog T-Shirt Giveaway – Screaming Frog

Longtime users of the SEO Spider will know that over the years, we occasionally offer up the chance for you to get your hands on our highly coveted merch. We receive countless requests for SF swag (which our support team can absolutely attest to), and we’re pleased to announce that the time has come once again.

However, we’re shredding our usual ‘mysterious black’ attire and taking it a notch higher, with the ingeniously named: SF Summer Collection.

Screaming Frog’s Summer Collection T-Shirts – Because Life’s Too Short for Boring Colours

Our latest batch offers t-shirts that could give the Google logo a run for its money, with colours such as:

  • Indigo blue, for those who love a deep dive into the SERPs, unafraid of rank 100 and beyond.
  • Sky blue, for the daydreamers who hope for a day when the SEO spider not only finds broken links, but also fixes them.
  • Light pink, for the romantics who blush every time their regex works first try.
  • Mint green, for those savvy SEO’s who like to keep their strategies fresh.
  • Sunny yellow, for the perpetual optimists, who, no matter how many issues the SEO Spider uncovers, relish the challenge.
  • Violet, for the spreadsheet sorcerers, those brave souls who aren’t afraid to export Screaming Frog SEO Spider data into Excel and dive headfirst into the cells.

Bonus shot: You can find some smouldering shot of our Head of Strategy, OB, modelling these below:

Before you ask, no, unfortunately we don’t offer product photography as a service line.

But wait, there’s more! We’re also throwing in our iconic Screaming Frog stickers. Just because your laptop shouldn’t feel left out of the party.

How to Win

This giveaway is exclusive to licenced SEO Spider users. We have over 100 of these up for grabs, and all you need to do to be in with a chance of winning is one of two things:

  • Share your favourite Screaming Frog SEO Spider tip in the comments of this post. Be sure to use your real email address so we can reach out if you win.


  • Share your favourite Screaming Frog SEO Spider tip on social media, tagging us on LinkedIn or Twitter (or both!). Be sure to use the hashtag: #SFTipsForTees so we can find your entry!

While winners will be randomly selected, our favourite tips will receive some extra merch on top of a t-shirt and stickers. As mentioned, only entries from licenced SEO Spider users will be counted.

Unfortunately, we are not able to guarantee what colour you will receive, but we will do our best to accommodate any requests.

The competition will run for 14 days, ending on the 13th July.

We can’t wait to see what tips you come up with!

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