Sailing tip – Kvarner | Boataround Blog

Located between the Istrian peninsula and the Dalmatia region, Kvarner Gulf puts together a great variety of captivating features of the Croatian coast, from grizzled coastal hills and mountains, idyllic beaches overlooking rich blue waters to lively fishing villages and a great variety of subtropical plants. The wide range of pebbly and rocky coves, as well as some of the most beautiful beaches in the Adriatic Sea, can definitely put Kvarner Gulf into the list of most desired destinations for sea lovers.

Sailing itinerary for Kvarner

Day 1: Krk – Sailing route Krk-Cres:  +/- 36,1nm
Day 2: Cres – Sailing route Cres-Losinj/Unije/Susak: +/- 24,3nm
Day 3: Losinj/Unije/Susak  – Sailing route Losinj/Unije/Susak-Ilovik/Silba/Olib: +/- 22,3nm
Day 4: Ilovik/Silba/Olib – Sailing route Ilovik/Olib/Silba-Pag: +/- 20nm
Day 5: Pag  – Sailing route Pag-Rab/Grgur/Goli Otok: +/- 14,5nm
Day 6: Rab/Grgur/Goli Otok – Sailing route Rab/Grgur/Goli Otok-Krk: +/- 21nm

Total distance: +/- 138,2 nautical miles

Day One: Krk

  • Most desired beaches 
    Some of the most popular beaches on the island include Drazica, Jezevac, Proporella, and Vela Plaza, where you can find almost any service needed. Somewhat more hidden is Oprna beach, situated in a beautiful bay in front of Stara Baska, where boaters have better access than normal tourists. Other secluded, less known yet equally beautiful beaches can be found in the area of Vrbnik, including the Nuluk, Pod Kovac, Kozica and Potovosce beach. The island also has a number of beaches with therapeutic mud that can help to ease various problems associated with bone ache, most of which lies in the Bay of Soline at Dobrinje.
  • What not to miss: 
    A trip to Vrbnik is definitely worth your time. Situated on a rocky coastal hill overlooking the sea, Vrbnik is undeniably beautiful, which makes it one of the most famous towns in Croatia. Visitors come to Vrbnik for its beauty, its rich Glagolitic heritage, and for its famous Zlahtina white wine that can only be found in the region. If you’re interested in the local history and culture, take a walkaround Krk Town. Two most famous sights in here are the Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary and Frankopan castle, both of which were built in the 12th century and carry many stories of the island’s heritage.
  • Berthing:  
    The best berthing option in Krk is Marina Punat, which is located on the East coast of the island and around 3km away from Krk Town. The marina offers 800 berths for yachts with excellent conditions and a wide range of supplies and services for vessels. Other options include small harbors in Malinska, Njvice, Omisalj, Vrbnik, and Baska.

Day Two: Cres

  • Most desired beaches
    The island of Cres is blessed with a long and diverse coastline, with a great number of coves and charming pebble beaches on one side, and stunning perpendicular cliffs on the other. Out of all, Saint Ivan is arguably the most beautiful beach on the island. Located at the foot of a hill covered by Mediterranean vegetation, Saint Ivan beach is an isolated paradise where you can swim undisturbed in crystal clear blue water. For a bit of adventure, you can also visit Blue Grotto – a hidden cave with a large blue lagoon inside. Another worth-mentioning beach is Mali Bok, located in Orlec. This pebbly beach is sheltered by high cliffs, which provides visitors with calming shade, perfect for hot summer days.
  • Nature 
    Vegetation on Cres is very diverse, with around 1100 plant species identified on the island, 939 of which are indigenous. The northern part of the island is home for red oak, hornbeam, elm, and chestnut tree, while the southern part is covered in pastures and thick macchia. It can be said that Cres is most famous for being the last habitats of the griffon vulture, an extremely rare type of vulture eagle. The island is also home for more than 150 dolphins thanks to its extremely pure aquarium.
  • What not to miss
    One of the main sights in Cres town is the round Venetian tower, which is the only tower left on the island that was built in the 15th century. Once you’re in town, don’t forget to visit the preserved Roman bridge that goes from the city entrance over the canyon, and remnants of the Cres’ city wall, which dates back to the Middle Ages. Other worth-visiting places include Beli – one of the oldest, most secluded area on the island, which is also home of the rare griffon vultures. Or the historic village of Lubenice, famous for its incredible position on a 378-meters-high cliff, which opens up a stunning view of the coast of Istria.
  • Berthing  
    ACI marina Cres is the only marina on the island, which is located in Crestown. The marina offers 473 berths for visiting yachts with excellent conditions. Other berthing options include small harbors in Valun, Martinscica, Osor or anchorages at the southeast end of the island.

Day Three: Losinj/Unije/Susak

  • Most beautiful beaches 
    Located in Suncana uvala, Veli Zal is probably one of the best and most famous beaches on the island. The beach has received the Blue Flag award, which is an international certificate for its clean waters and quality service. The island also has a number of wild, pebbly, and unequipped beaches like Zabodarski beach in Artatore, Plieski in the south of Losinj, Krivica bay, and Uvala Engzela beach in Koludarac. All of these mentioned beaches offer shades from the surrounding pine tree forest and soft, shallow waters, and soft sandy sea bottoms, which make them perfect for families with children.
  • What not to miss 
    If you are a dolphin lover, we recommend sailing to Kvarneric in the western coast of Losinj, which is the natural habitat of around 120 of these protected species. Those who take interest in ancient Greek sculpture will have some good time in the Museum of Apoxymenos, where the history of Apoxyomenos is presented in an innovative and approachable way. The Losinj Aromatic Garden is also another worth-visiting place. This lovely garden offers a great variety of local handicrafts, from liquor, aromatic sea salt to fragrant sachets and tea.
  • Anchoring  
    There are 3 marinas on Losinj, namely Marina Losinj, Mali Losinj Marina, and Yacht Club Marina. The first two marinas are located on the east side of the Mali Losinj inlet, offers in total 200 berths for yachts up to 18 meters and in depths up to 8 meters. Yacht Club Marina is located at the head of the inlet, offers 110 berths for yachts up to 30 meters and in depths up to meters.

Day Four: Ilovik/Silba/Olib

  • Most beautiful beaches 
    Silba has a great number of small beaches and bays. The biggest and probably most popular one is Sotorisce beach on the west coast of the island. Otherwise, Zalic is also a great beach with crystal clear water that visitors can even dive and watch the fish swimming along sunken rocks.
  • What not to miss
    The most popular landmark on the island is Toreta, a 30-meters-high tower with a long spiral staircase that offers a great view of Silba’s landscape. Some people consider this tower as the symbol of love as based on a love story behind its origin.
  • Anchoring
    The Silba harbor is situated on the east coast of the island, offers 30 moorings for yachts in depths up to 4 meters. There are also 3 other anchorages on the island, namely the Luka Silba mooring to the east of Silba harbor, Luka Sv. Ante on the southwest coast, and Luka Paranica on the west coast.

Day Five: Pag

  • Most beautiful beaches
    The famous Zrce is perfect for those who are looking for an active, vibrant beach packed with young people and great music. For those who prefer a less busy scene, Simuni beach will be an ideal place. Located between Novalja and Pag, Simuni is big but never too crowded, so you can still have some interesting conversations with fellow visitors without worrying about not having a place to lie down. Planjka is one of a few beaches on Pag that received the prestigious Blue Flag award, thanks to its sandy shore, shallow sea, and greenery surroundings. Otherwise, for a completely different side of Pag, we recommend sailing to the small town of Lun and enjoy some privacy in one of its many beautiful, unspoiled coves.
  • What not to miss 
    One of the most important historic sights of Pag is the Talijanova buza, located in the town of Novalja. It is a part of the original Roman aqueduct, which was built in the 1st century.  Some worth-mentioning sights include the 15th-century Church of St.George which was once part of the city’s defensive wall, the Benedictine Monastery of St.Margaret where you can learn lacemaking, the 15th-century bridge of Katina, and the Gradac viewpoint where you can get the best panoramic view of the region. The small town of Lun, located in the northernmost point of Pag, is also an interesting destination. It is home for approximately 80,000 olive trees, some of which have the age of around 2000 years old.
  • What to do 
    We can’t stress this enough, there are plenty of things to do and experience on Pag aside from partying. The island is famous for its lace-making and local sheep cheese – paski sir. Pag lace was listed as one of the seven immaterial cultural good from Croatia by UNESCO. And paski sir from Paskasirana – the oldest cheese factory on the island, has won several International Cheese awards, so they’re definitely worth a try. For adventurous people, we recommend getting around Pag, especially the mysterious Pag Triangle on a quad bike. Its rocky, inhospitable terrain will definitely bring you an exciting, somewhat refreshing experience.
  • Anchoring
    ACI Simuni Marina is the only marina on Pag, which is located on the west coast of the island. The marina offers 221 berths for yachts up to 25 meters and in depths up to 5 meters. In addition, there are several good anchorages in the villages of Zubovici, Caska, Povljana, Kosljun, Novalja, Jakisnica, and Tovarnele.

Day Six: Pag/Grgur/Goli Otok

  • Most beautiful beaches 
    Rajska Plaza (or the Paradise Beach), located in the northeastern part of Rab, is named Top 100 Beaches in the World by CNN. This famous beach has also received the Blue Flag award since 2003. Heading a bit further north from Rajska Plaza, you’ll find Ciganka, a beautiful isolated beach famous for its unique sand pyramids and other natural formations. Banjol is another lovely part of the island, where you can find the pebbly sandy beaches called Padova. Padova 3 is specially designed for families with young children because of its amusing camping site and many family-friendly facilities and services. Sahara beach is an interesting choice if you’re into naturalism. This remote nudist beach offers beautiful crescent-shaped shore, crystal clear water, and much lesser crowd compare to other similar beaches on the island.
  • What not to miss
    The island of Rab can be considered as the perfect destination for those who are interested in visiting historical sights. The most beautiful sight of all is arguably Rab oldtown. With numerous Gothic and Renaissance palaces, churches, and four famous belfries, the town can surely charm its way to the hearts of history lovers. Out of all, St.Mary the Blessed is the biggest church on the island. This beautiful 13th-century cathedral also has a small museum inside. The Museum of Sacred Art is also an interesting sight, whose main attraction is the skull of St. Christopher contained in a gold-encrusted reliquary from 1000 years ago.
  • Anchoring
    There are two marinas on Rab island, namely Marina Rab and Marina Supetarska Draga. Marina Rab is located in an old harbor of Rab town of the southwest side of the island. It offers 142 berths for yachts up to 20 meters and in depths up to 5 meters. However, this marina only opens from mid-April till the beginning of November. Marina Supertarska Draga is located on the northwest coast of the island, offering 274 berths for yachts up to 25 meters and in depths up to 3 meters.

Click here and book your yacht in Kvarner!

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