PromoRepublic Affiliate Program Review | An In-Depth Guide

Affiliate marketing has always been a lucrative way of monetizing your content, so if you are looking for a new opportunity in that sense, read on. 

We’re putting together a review of the PromoRepublic affiliate program in today’s article and going through everything you should know about it, from how much you can earn to anything else that might interest you. 

PromoRepublic Affiliate Program Review

What is PromoRepublic?

PromoRepublic is more or less similar to other businesses we have looked at in the past, but it is quite generous in terms of the products and solutions that customers can expect from the company. 

The brand now offers services ranging from listing management and social media marketing to local SEO, insights and suggestions, as well as locator and local pages. 

The plans can be customized depending on everyone’s needs and preferences and they range both in terms of features and pricing for enterprises and marketing agencies to small businesses. 

In a nutshell, PromoRepublic addresses business owners who are looking to become visible on the web or improve their rankings and reviews, manage their social media accounts, or just adjust their local and locator pages. 

What services or products can you recommend to your followers?

Before becoming an affiliate for any company whatsoever, it is a good idea to do a bit of research on what that brand can do for prospective owners and how much the products/services cost. 

For the sake of clarity, we will focus on the monthly billing instead of the yearly billing model. The first plan is specifically designed for small businesses and costs $59 per month. It comes with a 14-day free trial, which should give you some peace of mind since your referrals can actually try the product before investing their hard-earned cash into it. 

This plan includes features such as review management, local SEO with Google Business Profile reports, and social media marketing perks for one user, up to 10 social media accounts, a graphics editor, a link shortener, and more. 

The next plan is designed for agencies and is billed at $99 per month. It comes with the previously mentioned perks along with additional ones such as team permissions, comprehensive reporting, content approval workflows, the management of up to 30 social media accounts, and the ability to have 10 users rely on the same plan. 

The so-called Multi-location plan is designed for businesses that have franchised or have multiple offices across a larger region or in different cities or locations throughout the country or world. 

The pricing isn’t transparent with this one because it can be customized depending on the client’s requirements. 

Some of the most attractive features of this type of subscription range from a dedicated success manager and support and training for locations to distributed marketing, brand managing (digital asset management), local SEO with anything ranging from listing management to local search reports, to review generation and review management. 

The PromoRepublic app can include extra solutions such as a white label platform and a white label mobile app — all one needs to do is book a demo appointment and have a talk with a consultant 

How to become a PromoRepublic affiliate

What we’d like to note from the beginning if you are interested in joining this program is that it is self-managed. This means that you’re not going to encounter it on any separate affiliate network, so you’ll have to submit your application on the PromoRepublic website.

On the one hand, this can be a bit of a con since if you have dozens of niche websites and you can’t be bothered with checking your conversions on individual websites day in and day out, you’re going to prefer an alternative merely for the convenience of it. 

On the other hand, this allows the brand to pay you directly, without a middle man, so the chance of you earning more is actually a little higher. 

Before submitting your application and gaining access to the PromoRepublic affiliate login, we suggest you take some time to read the terms and conditions document. It’s not anything we haven’t seen before, but you should be aware of the rules so that you don’t break them by accident. 

You are not allowed to use PPC with the brand’s name in any way, shape, or form. You are also not allowed to refer yourself — and any questionable behavior can lead to you being booted out of the affiliate program and having your account deleted. 

How much can you earn as a PromoRepublic affiliate?

Since the commission rate is the main reason people actually join an affiliate program in the first place, here’s what you should know about this one – you have a chance of earning 20% to 35% out of your referrals’ subscriptions. 

The amount of money you are going to be paid will depend on the length of the subscription, so you can’t really make an assumption as to whether you’ll earn 20% or 35%. 

This can be a little disconcerting for some affiliates and we’d say that a few tiers would have helped clear up the situation. For example, you could have had your commission rate increased from 20% to 30% after referring a specific number of people to the business. 

We also couldn’t find any info as to whether the rate is a recurring one or not, so we’d go with the assumption that it’s a one-time thing. 

The cookie lasts for 120 days, which is significantly better than what we have seen with other affiliate programs. So at least your referrals have plenty of time at their disposal to make up their mind as to whether they want to get a paid plan or not – not to mention that out of those 120 days, 14 of them are a part of the free trial. 

Payment methods & thresholds

There’s only one payment method that we discovered and it is PayPal. This is mostly due to the fact that PromoRepublic manages its own program instead of using a separate platform. If, for example, they had used an affiliate network, there would have been at least two payment methods to choose from. 

So, if you have no PayPal account or you can’t create one, it makes no sense for you to consider becoming an affiliate in the first place. 

Later edit – we found out that the program also works through Tapfiliate, but the only payment method is also just PayPal. 

PromoRepublic affiliate program alternatives

In case you haven’t found any of the information that we have described above to be convincing enough for you to join this affiliate program, check out some of the choices that we have showcased below!


There are two main tiers when it comes to this program. You start out with a commission of 12% for all of the plans purchased through your affiliate link. However, once you have referred more than 100 people to the brand and they’ve gotten a subscription, your commission automatically becomes 30%. 

This is a recurring commission, so you will be able to make it on future purchases, too. The program runs through FirstPromoter, something we’ve seen with other similar options. 

Zoho Social

The Zoho affiliate program is self-managed by the brand itself, so you are not going to encounter it on any separate affiliate networks. We’ve written a review of it in the past, so check it out here if you want to give it a read. 

The cookie lasts for 90 days, which is not bad at all. The commission, though, is 15% for what your referrals are paying for their subscriptions. And while that might not seem like a lot, the value of some of the plans is quite high, so at least you’ll see some results in that way. 

Sprout Social

When it comes to Sprout Social, there are several ways of earning – you can become a traditional referral and earn 30% out of the first month’s worth of subscription or you can become an affiliate through CJ Affiliate and make 20% out of the first month’s subscription. 

The first option is available through PartnerStack, so if you already have an account with them, don’t hesitate to check it out. We would argue that there are better choices, though, since some of the other programs we’re showcasing here are offering recurring earnings. 

ContentStudio affiliate program

This company uses FirstPromoter to manage their affiliate program. This is a separate affiliate network that makes it a breeze for you to consult all of the data you might need with respect to your clicks and conversions and payments. 

When you become a ContentStudio affiliate, you can earn 30% out of what your referrals are paying for their subscriptions — but for the duration of their entire subscriptions. So yes, this is one of those recurring affiliate programs you should look into.

We’d also like to note that with this one, there are two main payment methods available thanks to FirstPromoter – PayPal and bank transfers. You’ll be able to withdraw your earnings after a waiting period of 45 days. 


The SEMRush affiliate program, also known as BeRush, has changed a few times over the years, but it’s still one of the most decent ones we have come across up until now. You get $200 for every new paid account opened through your affiliate link.

But you also make $10 every time a person opens up a new account and just tries a free trial through your link. What makes this program stand out from the crowd is the fact that the cookie lasts for 120 days, so it is one of the longest out there. 

Besides, SEMRush has been around for quite some time now and lots of marketers have tried it in the past — and we have to say that the data is quite useful, and it has many other features, including ones designed for content and social media marketing. 


While the value of some of the SocialPilot plans that you will see on the brand’s website is probably going to give you a clue that you are not going to make a fortune recommending these services, this is a pretty decent affiliate program. 

And the reason we’re saying that is the fact that you’re not going to be making 20% out of the value of every plan purchased through your affiliate link — but you’ll be making 20% forever so long as that account remains active. 

The cookie duration is also worth writing home about since it is longer by three times than the industry’s standard, meaning 30 days. is one of the largest and fastest-growing platforms for managing pretty much anything from calendars to collaborating with team members, assigning tasks, and more. 

The brand has an affiliate program with several tiers and the good thing about it is that depending on your performance, you actually have a shot of making 100% of whatever your audience is paying for its subscriptions on this site. 

The program works through the PartnerStack Marketplace, so that’s one less thing to worry about since you’re going to be able to use that dashboard to take a look at your performance and everything else that might interest you in that sense. 


We’ve written a separate review of the SocialBee affiliate program, so if you have some time on your hands, we definitely suggest that you give it a read. 

If you’re interested in using this opportunity as a means of increasing your passive income, you should know that by promoting Social Bee on your website or other media properties, you can make 20% out of what your referrals are paying for this company’s products. 

10% is the rate that you can expect if your referrals opt for the Concierge services, which tend to cost a bit more than the plans you might have noticed on the site. The cookie lasts for 90 days. 

Final thoughts

So, does becoming a PromoRepublic affiliate make sense for you? That is a question that only you can answer. 

However, we’d say that this option seems to be a pretty good one if you are looking to diversify your income streams and your media property is in the right niche, too. 

Need help with your SEO or digital marketing efforts? We have lots of plans and courses available. Get in touch to find out how we can be of assistance!


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