Written by Alli L., Student on Polygala
Since last time a lot has happened. We spent an entire day at Cooper Island and then moved to Norman Island, which is one of our favorite spots. At Cooper, we split up into three groups. The Dive Masters (Chase and Frieda), the Colgate sailors gaining ASA certifications (Reagan and Thomas), and the first group getting their Powerboat certifications (Alli, Ellie, and Frankie). The divers assisted in teaching the Mega students getting their Open Water, those on the Colgates practiced doing man overboard and teaching the Mega students in the afternoon, and me and the other Powerboaters went on an expedition around the islands and practiced their navigation. Then, we all went tubing!
Yesterday, those who have been working on the powerboat got certified! The divers got to assist in the confined water dives for the staff and students going for their Open Water and our crew mates who have been working on the Colgate had time to practice and study. At noon, the second group of us going for Powerboat certifications started their course while everyone else sailed to Norman Island. Then we went snorkeling in the caves on Norman and it was so cool! Then, yesterday afternoon, Reagan and Thomas are going to do some exercises on the powerboat while the divers are going to be on the dive boat for the Open Water dives. Ellie, Frankie, and I are sailing our boat to Village Cay to water up and re-provision and then sail to the Bight on Norman. So far, we have been learning a lot and gaining so much experience that we can use in the future!
To see more photos of our campers’ adventures in the BVI, download the Campanion App and follow us on Instagram @sailcaribbean.
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