By Josephine A
June 19, 2024

Written by Josie A., Social Media Coordinator
We started off the day on a high note today with an early motor to The Baths! Because we had to get up earlier to get to The Baths before it was too busy, some of us got to see the amazing sunrise in Savanah. One of the most famous places in the BVI, The Baths is one of the most beautiful places we visit on program, at least in my opinion.
Once everyone was moored, we started our hikel, or hike and snorkel, through the rocks and trails of the park! After the snorkel portion, our marine biology coordinator, Janaye, led the group through a history lesson on the importance of the baths and their formation! Afterwards, the hike section began! So many amazing views and group photos taken!

Soon, it was time for back to boats and the sail to Marina Cay. All crews raised sails super quickly and were off! Besides some light rain, the sail went quite smoothly, and everyone was feeling great after some lunch underway. After lunch was all wrapped up, we were at the mooring field for our second mooring ball pickup of the day!
Accompanying some swimmy fun time, lots of music, and dance parties, we waited for our docking time at Scrub Marina for the night. Because our ASA students had their practical exams today, lots of studying was also happening at Marina. Super studious!

Once all boats docked at Scrub, water sports, ASA practicals, and land time commenced! We all had so much fun in the pool, boutique, and dive shops exploring all the things Scrub has to offer! Meanwhile, everyone who was out in the Colgates passed their practical ASA exams! YAY! All students went back to their boats after activities and started a coveted activity: land shower time! Everyone was so excited to shower and eat dinner all together, although, a few said that they would miss our shower parties on board.
After a Night Adaptations lesson from Janaye, everyone went back to their boats for a quiet night on board with some competitive games of uno and hair tinsel fun! See everyone tomorrow for Olympics!!

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