Written by Christina C., Social Media & Mate on Nosy Be
We woke up early at St. Barth to swim out to a rock at Sandy Beach that we could dive off of. Everyone braved the 30 ft jump and we de-anchored to head out on our all-day sail to St. Kitts.
Percy, a long-time friend of Sail Caribbean who has lived his whole life on St. Kitt’s, picked us up early the next morning for our tour of the island. We drove to the property of an old sugar plantation that is now a forest for a hike. Percy picked out a strong vine hanging from a tree and taught everyone how to swing on it.
We continued exploring the roots of banyan trees and relics of the plantation system that operated long before St. Kitt’s became an independent country, then went to Brimstone Fort. Everyone enjoyed exploring the hills around the massive fort as well as hidden artillery rooms and tunnels.
We got lunch and sweet drinks at Shipwreck Beach, played in the sand near a mongoose hangout area, and went back to sleep on the boat after long-awaited land showers.
The next day, we sailed to St. Eustatia, called “Statia” by the people in the area. We swam and snorkeled around the boat in a sandy anchorage with a backdrop of a dramatic volcano, then spent some time getting ready for shore dinner at a beautiful beachside restaurant.
To see more photos of our campers’ adventures in the BVI, download the Campanion App and follow us on Instagram @sailcaribbean.
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