Written by Christina C., Mate & Social Media
After all of our students arrived safely at the docks, we had a scrumptious dinner of chicken, veggies, rice, and coleslaw followed by the first restful night on the boat. The next morning, we had a quick briefing about ASA courses and scuba diving and a talk from our founder Mike. We sailed out of our home base of Hodges Bay right after a spectacular thunderstorm. Nosy Bee raised sails quickly into a strong headwind, as both boats in the Delta fleet began their first lessons on efficient crew communication.
We’ve been enjoying listening to sea shanties and are also enjoying the cooking of some pretty inventive chefs. In our free time before meals, we take ocean showers and go diving for lost items on the sea floor. The students have been seeing some cool creatures at Cooper Island, Marina Cay, and now Norman Island.
The campers have been taking rotations during the day snorkeling, diving, and ripping around the channel in small sailboats (Colgates), learning the finer points of tacking, jibing, and rescuing a ‘man overboard’. Most of the Delta campers are working towards their ASA 101 certification, and Grace, a mate on Nosy Bee, has been doing a phenomenal job explaining how and why everything works as it does.
We play a new game each evening after debriefing the day, which has us rolling in laughter — Jacob is a superb host for the game ‘posse.’ Twilight of day 3 found us sitting in a circle on the bow watching the sunset while eating vegan chicken nuggets expertly prepared by Charlie.
The campers are meshing great and are enjoying hanging out with the others in the Alpha fleet before heading down island!
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