Cookies and Commissions in Affiliate Marketing |

Affiliate marketing involves earning commissions by promoting other people’s products. One crucial aspect to understand is how different commission models work and what cookie policies they have in place. Everyone must know these factors, as they directly impact your earnings. For instance, some programs offer recurring revenue, meaning you earn monthly money if your referrals remain customers.

A case in point is SEMrush, which used to offer 40% monthly recurring commissions but switched to a flat fee model. This significant change underlines why knowing the terms is essential before committing to an affiliate program. Similarly, Amazon’s affiliate program has a 24-hour cookie policy, allowing you to earn commissions on any purchase made within a day of someone clicking your link. Lastly, companies like offer varying commission rates based on the volume of bookings you generate, so optimising your strategies can lead to higher earnings.

Key Takeaways

  • Different affiliate programs have various commission models.
  • Cookie policies can significantly affect your earnings.
  • It’s crucial to understand payment structures before joining any program.

Understanding Affiliate Commissions and Cookie Policies

The Value of Commission Plans

When working in affiliate marketing, focusing on commission plans is essential. Many older affiliate programs or software-as-a-service (SaaS) tools often provide recurring monthly revenue. For example, some products give affiliates a percentage of customer payments for as long as the customer uses the product.

However, some companies may change their commission structures over time. Take, for instance, the changes made by Semrush in January 2023. They shifted from offering 40% monthly recurring commissions to a one-time payment system. This shift means they now pay a flat fee for each sale and a smaller amount for free trial sign-ups.

It’s important to know what type of commissions you’re working with. Last-click attribution models, like the one Semrush now uses, credit affiliates even if the customer signed up for a free trial years ago. This setup ensures a fairer commission structure.

Changing Trends in Affiliate Programs

Cookie policies are another critical aspect of affiliate marketing. These policies dictate how long you can earn commissions after a customer clicks your affiliate link. For instance, Amazon offers a 24-hour cookie policy. This means you get a commission if someone buys anything on Amazon within 24 hours of clicking your link.

Different companies have unique cookie policies and commission rates. Amazon, for example, may offer commissions ranging from 1.5% to higher percentages, depending on the product category. Fashion-related purchases might earn higher commissions compared to other categories.

Similarly, uses a tiered commission structure, giving up to 40% based on the number of bookings you generate. It’s worth noting that you only get paid after the customer stays at the hotel.

Awareness of these details helps make informed decisions about which affiliate programmes to join and what to expect. Before diving into any affiliate marketing program, always research and understand the commission and cookie policies.

Commission Models in Affiliate Marketing

Monthly Recurring Payments

In affiliate marketing, some programmes offer income that repeats regularly. Many established affiliates prefer this type of payment. For example, software as a service (SaaS) tools often provide monthly recurring fees, giving you a percentage of the customer’s payments for as long as they subscribe.

For instance, I previously worked with SEMrush, which had a programme that offered 40% monthly recurring revenue for the lifetime of the customer. However, they changed their policy in January 2023. Now, the payment is a one-time £200 per sale plus £10 for each free trial signup, rather than the recurring 40%.

One-Time Payments

Other affiliate programs pay a single sum for each sale you make. While this can be lucrative, especially for high-ticket items, it’s a one-off payment. So it would be best to keep making new sales to continue earning.

An example is Amazon’s affiliate programme. They offer a commission for sales made within 24 hours of clicking on your link. They have different rates based on product categories, such as 7% for Home Improvement and potentially higher for high-volume referrals. Amazon’s model is straightforward and pays a flat rate, but the percentages can vary greatly depending on the product category and the sales volume.

In another case, SEMrush shifted to a one-time payment model, providing £200 for each sale, contrasting with their previous 40% recurring monthly revenue model. As an affiliate, it’s crucial to understand the terms and choose the model that best suits your strategy.

Case Study: SEMrush’s Affiliate Program Changes

Moving from Monthly to Single Payments

In the past, I used to get a 40% monthly recurring fee for every customer I referred to SEMrush. This meant continuous income as long as those customers stayed with SEMrush. However, in January 2023, SEMrush stopped this system. Instead of monthly payments, I receive a one-time fee of $200 per sale. There’s also an additional £10 for each free trial my referral signs up for. This change shows how SEMrush has shifted its approach to affiliate commissions.

Adopting the Last Click Attribution Method

There was a period when I noticed I wasn’t getting credited for sales I had influenced. Some customers would visit my office and sign up for SEMrush right before me, but I wouldn’t see these sales in my dashboard. This was frustrating. We discussed this with SEMrush, and we eventually agreed on what’s called a last-click attribution model. With this model, it didn’t matter if someone had looked at SEMrush before – if my link were the last one clicked before the purchase, I’d get the credit. This means the referral cookie is now 120 days old, ensuring I get recognised for my influence on the sales.

Addressing Lost Sales and Cookie Duration

Understanding cookie policies is crucial for affiliates. SEMrush improved theirs, but other companies handled it differently. For instance, Amazon has a 24-hour cookie policy. This means I get a commission if someone clicks on my link and buys anything within 24 hours. However, I don’t get anything if the purchase happens after 24 hours. So, knowing each company’s cookie policy and commission structure, and sometimes even negotiating these terms, is essential to maximising earnings. Be mindful of how these policies can impact your commissions.

Amazon’s Affiliate Programme

24-Hour Cookie Period

Amazon has a generous cookie policy. When someone clicks on my affiliate link, I earn a commission on anything they purchase within the next 24 hours. It doesn’t matter if they buy something unrelated to my website content; I still get a cut. For example, if a visitor clicks through from my golf website and buys a pair of shorts, I’ll earn from that sale. This 24-hour window gives plenty of opportunities to earn commissions.

Variation in Commission Rates by Category

Amazon’s commission rates differ depending on the product category. For instance, Home Improvement items earn me about 7% commission, while products in the Golf niche might only earn about 3%. The rates can also change based on the volume of sales I generate. High sales volume can place me in a higher commission tier, allowing me to negotiate for better rates. If a customer clicks through my affiliate link to a page for shoes but ends up buying something else, like a home product or hobby item, my commission might be as low as 1.5%. The structure varies significantly depending on the product category and sales volume.

Maximising Earnings with Various Affiliates

Identifying High Commission Areas

One key strategy is to target affiliate programs with high commission rates. Some companies offer monthly recurring revenue for as long as your referrals remain customers. For instance, many SaaS tools provide about 20% of a customer’s payment for their entire subscription duration.

However, it’s crucial to stay updated. I once worked with a company offering 40% monthly recurring revenue, but they eventually switched to a fixed fee per sale. Their new model includes a £10 bonus for every free trial signup. Despite the change, I managed to negotiate a last click attribution model. Now, I receive credit for referrals even if the user signed up for a free trial years ago. This prevents loss of commission on old leads.

Impact of Sales Volume on Commission Levels

Commissions also depend on the volume of sales generated. Amazon, for instance, has a 24-hour cookie policy. You receive a commission if someone clicks your link and buys anything within this time. The percentage varies based on the product category. For example:

  • Home Improvement: 7%
  • Fashion: Up to 12% if your website links directly to fashion items
  • Other Categories: As low as 1.5%

Higher volumes can lead to better rates. operates a sliding scale for their commissions:

Bookings per Month Commission Rate
1-50 25%
51-150 30%
151-500 35%
500+ 40%

Remember that this commission isn’t paid until the guest completes their stay. This precaution ensures that affiliates earn only from actual stays.

In summary, it’s vital to research and choose affiliate programs wisely, keeping an eye on cookie policies and payment structures, to maximise earnings effectively.’s Sliding Scale of Commission

On, affiliates can earn a commission starting at 25% of each booking. This percentage can grow based on the number of bookings made through the affiliate link each month:

  • 0-50 bookings: 25% commission
  • 51-150 bookings: 30% commission
  • 151-500 bookings: 35% commission
  • 501+ bookings: 40% commission

You can withdraw your earnings once you reach €100. Remember, only pays out once the guest completes their stay. So, even if a hotel is booked months in advance, you won’t get your commission until the stay actually happens.

Be mindful of these details to ensure you maximise your earnings.

Important Points to Consider Before Joining Affiliate Programs

When thinking about affiliate programs, commissions and cookie policies are key. Some programs offer monthly recurring revenue. This is common with older affiliate marketers or certain SaaS tools, which might give you 20% of a customer’s payments for the product’s lifetime.

Beware of changes in commission structures. For instance, SEMrush used to pay 40% monthly recurring revenue but stopped this in January 2023. Now, they offer $200 for each sale and £10 for every free trial sign-up.

One issue I faced with SEMrush was tracking. I had people sign up for SEMrush in my office, but they didn’t appear in my dashboard. After several discussions, SEMrush agreed to a last-click attribution model with a 120-day cookie. I now get credit for referrals, even if they had a free trial years ago.

Amazon Associates has a 24-hour cookie policy. You earn a commission if someone clicks your link and buys anything within 24 hours. They also have different rates for different product categories, and your commission might be higher if you drive more volume.’s commission varies based on the number of bookings you bring in. They start at 25%, but can go up to 40% if you bring in enough bookings. Note that you get paid only when the customer stays at the hotel, not at the time of booking.

Always check the cookie policies and payment structures. Some affiliate programs might leverage your traffic unfairly. It’s worth doing your research before committing to a program. Also, consider going directly to the source, like hotels, instead of through platforms like This can sometimes result in higher commissions.

In affiliate marketing, detailed research can help you find the right program that values your efforts fairly.

The Benefits of Direct Affiliation with Providers

Direct affiliations often lead to better financial outcomes. When dealing directly with service providers, you bypass intermediaries like booking platforms. This can result in higher commissions and more consistent payments.

For instance, with booking sites, you might face delays in payment until the customer completes their stay. Direct deals with hotels eliminate these delays. Hotels often offer competitive rates and commissions to affiliates who partner directly with them.

Another advantage is the ability to negotiate terms more effectively. Third-party platforms typically have fixed terms and conditions. By working directly with providers, you can customise agreements to fit your needs better.

Commission Structures

  • Booking Sites: Pay a variable percentage based on volume and only after the stay is completed.
  • Direct Affiliations: Often have more flexible and potentially higher commission rates.

Payment Timeliness

  • Booking Sites: Payments can be delayed until the service is used.
  • Direct Affiliations: Payments are often more straightforward and timely.

Cookie Policies

  • Platforms: Have rigid cookie policies, sometimes as short as 24 hours.
  • Direct Affiliations: Cookie policies can be tailored to give you credit for referrals over a more extended period.

Overall, always consider going direct whenever possible. It’s not just about higher earnings but also about building more robust, more reliable partnerships.

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