Content Brief and Outsourcing your Content Writing |

Creating content for your affiliate website can sometimes feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. You can either write the content yourself or outsource it to others. Many people find outsourcing useful, but starting with a solid content brief is essential. A content brief outlines the key points and structure, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

To make things easier, I recommend using tools like With this tool, you can input keywords, and it generates an outline based on top search results. Once you have your outline, you can hand it to a writer. This way, the writer knows precisely what is needed and can deliver content that matches your requirements.

Key Takeaways

  • Writing or outsourcing content are both viable options.
  • A content brief helps guide the writing process.
  • Tools like can optimise your content outlines.

Content Creation Options

You have two main options for creating content for your affiliate site: doing it yourself or outsourcing. Many find outsourcing the more practical choice, or they mix both.

Creating a Content Brief

The content brief is essential in laying out a clear structure for your article. I use tools like, which analyses a given keyword’s top 20 search results. Whether writing about “golf clubs in Glasgow” or any other topic, these tools help you gather headings and key facts.

Here’s a step-by-step approach:

  1. Input Keyword: Enter the keyword you are targeting.
  2. Analyse Results: The tool processes the top results and gathers headings and facts.
  3. Generate Outline: You can use AI to create an outline or custom headings.
  4. First Draft: The tool can write a first draft, including factual data.
  5. Optimise: After the draft, check and optimise the content. Add internal and external links and integrate with tools like Google Search Console.

Outsourcing Content

Outsourcing is a viable option for those who prefer not to write their own content. Websites like Upwork and Fiverr are popular, but finding quality writers can be challenging.

An effective strategy I’ve found is:

  • Look to South Africa: Posting job ads on LinkedIn specifically targeting this region has worked well for me.
  • Pay Per Article: This method motivates writers to deliver quality content without the pressure of a full-time commitment.

Avoid using auto-generated AI content that publishes directly to WordPress, as it’s unreliable for long-term success. Instead, hire a content editor who can properly handle AI-generated drafts. A good balance between human and AI input often yields the best results.

In summary, whether you write your content or outsource, creating a detailed content brief is crucial. Use tools to streamline the process, and always optimise the content to ensure it meets your needs.

Outsourcing Content

Outsourcing content can save time and effort. You can write it yourself or hire someone else to do it. Many people prefer to outsource content creation.

I use a tool called Phrase to create content briefs, which guide the writing process. For example, if I want to sell golf clubs in Glasgow, I enter the keyword, and the tool will fetch the top 20 search results. It then picks headings and uses AI to draft an outline.

Here’s the process:

  1. Keyword Input: Enter the main keyword.
  2. Content Brief Creation: The tool analyses search results and suggests headings.
  3. Outline Generation: AI creates an outline based on the headings.
  4. First Draft: AI writes the first draft, incorporating factual data.
  5. Optimisation: Add internal and external links to the draft.

Using AI makes this process quicker. You can also adjust the headings if needed. Once the tool drafts the content, click “write more” to expand the paragraphs.

After the draft is ready, optimise it further. You can integrate tools like Google Search Console to enhance the draft with key insights and links. This streamlines the process and ensures your content is well-rounded and effective.

Finding a good writer can be challenging. Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr are options, but I’ve had better success with South African writers through LinkedIn. Post a job ad and pay per article to motivate them.

Hiring a dedicated content editor is essential. They understand AI and can ensure the final output is polished. For now, avoid relying on fully automated AI content, as it’s unreliable for long-term use.

Creating a content brief first is crucial. Use tools to gather results, structure the brief, and guide your writers. This process helps maintain quality and effectiveness in your affiliate website content.

Content Brief Creation

Creating a content brief is an essential step in producing quality content. First, I use a tool like for this task. By entering a keyword, such as “golf clubs Glasgow,” and specifying the United Kingdom as the location, the tool fetches the top 20 search results. It then processes these results to create headings and draft an outline with factual data. This saves time and ensures the brief covers key topics.

Here’s a simple breakdown of how I do it:

  1. Enter Keyword: I type a relevant keyword into the tool.
  2. Select Country: I choose the appropriate country, though it’s not mandatory.
  3. Create Document: The tool processes search results and generates headings.

The tool helps generate an initial draft with organised subheaders and relevant data. I can use the headings from the search results or let AI generate new ones. This flexible approach allows me to create a thorough outline tailored to my needs.

Once the outline is ready, I can start the writing process. The tool writes the first paragraphs, and I can keep clicking “write more” to extend the content. This feature helps me quickly build a structured article.

After drafting, I optimised the article by adding internal and external links, integrating Google Search Console, and using other AI tools as needed. This step ensures the content not only reads well but is optimised for search engines too.

Handing over a well-structured content brief to a writer makes their job much more manageable. It provides a clear outline, ensuring they cover all necessary points. Writers can then focus on creating engaging, valuable content.

Outsourcing this content creation can be done through platforms like Upwork or Fiverr. Alternatively, I prefer finding skilled writers on LinkedIn, especially from regions like South Africa. Advertising job posts in specific areas can attract the right talent, ensuring high-quality content for affiliate websites.

While automated AI tools can draft content, I advise against relying solely on them for publishing, particularly for long-term projects. Hiring a content editor familiar with AI or fully outsourcing the task tends to yield better results. This method ensures the content is comprehensive, accurate, and aligns with the website’s goals.

In summary, creating a well-thought-out content brief is the foundation of any successful content strategy. It streamlines the creation process and guarantees that all crucial elements are addressed immediately.


You have two main options when creating content: writing it yourself or outsourcing it. Many people choose to outsource or find a middle ground. The initial step in this process is creating a content brief, and I use for this purpose.

First, you input a keyword related to your topic. For example, if I wanted to write about “golf clubs in Glasgow”, I’d set the country to the United Kingdom. then processes the top 20 search results for that keyword. This tool picks headings and uses AI to create an outline incorporating factual data.

The content brief includes:

  • Outline
  • Subheaders
  • Facts
  • Statistics

You can pass this brief on to your content writer. This speeds up the process, as the tool has already gathered and organised much of the information. After processing the search results, you can generate headlines with AI or use your own.

Once you have the outline, the tool can start writing. You click “write more” to continue adding content, providing a structured start to your article. Optimising the article afterwards, including adding internal and external links, is crucial.

Integrating tools like Google Search Console can further refine your content—the more detailed the brief, the more accessible the writer can expand and polish the article.

Outsourcing options include platforms like Upwork and Fiverr. Although finding a good writer can be challenging, I’ve had success sourcing writers from South Africa through LinkedIn by posting job ads and paying per article.

Lastly, hiring a content editor familiar with AI tools or outsourcing the task can ensure the quality and quantity of content needed for an affiliate website. Automating content creation is not yet reliable for long-term success, so a human touch is still essential.

Generating a Content Outline

Creating a content outline starts with a content brief. One tool I recommend for this is “”. This tool helps by analysing a specific keyword’s top 20 search results. For example, if I wanted to sell golf clubs in Glasgow, I’d type in those keywords, and would organise the top headings from those search results. After processing, it uses AI to draft an outline, including factual data and critical topics.

After generating the initial draft, it’s crucial to optimise it. This means adding internal and external links, integrating Google Search Console, and using other AI tools. These steps help ensure that the content is comprehensive and valuable.

You can either use the headings suggested by the AI or create your own. The flexibility to add, change, or refine headings ensures that the content meets specific needs. Once the outline is ready, save it and let the tool start writing paragraphs. By continually tapping “write more,” the tool will keep adding to the content.

Another critical step is outsourcing. Not everyone wants to write their own content, and platforms like Upwork and Fiverr can connect you with writers. Advertising on LinkedIn, especially targeting specific regions like South Africa, can help find reliable writers. By producing articles at scale, they can contribute significantly to building a quality affiliate website.

It’s crucial to avoid publishing fully automated AI content directly to WordPress. Such content might offer short-term benefits but lacks the quality for sustained success. Hiring a content editor who understands AI can ensure the necessary human touch and quality control for longer-term success.

Optimising the Article

The first step is creating a content brief. I use a tool called Phrase. You can use it, too, or pick another similar tool. Enter a keyword and specify the country, for example, “golf clubs Glasgow” in the United Kingdom. The tool scans the top 20 search results for that keyword, gathering headings and statistics to create an outline. The first draft it generates will include factual data, ensuring that the article covers key points of the topic.

Using a content brief speeds up the process. Hand it over to your content writer after generating the brief with headings, subheaders, and critical data. This makes their job easier and ensures the article is well-structured. AI tools can also create headlines and ideas. You can use these suggestions or input your headlines if you prefer. With this, you can save the outline and start writing the content.

AI assistance can be used to draft paragraphs for article writing. By clicking “write more”, the tool continues to generate content. This helps create a structured article efficiently. After generating the content, optimising the article becomes crucial. This includes adding internal and external links and integrating Google Search Console for better SEO.

When it comes to Outsourcing content, you have several options. Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr offer many writers. LinkedIn is another option; posting a job ad there can find you specialised writers, for instance, from South Africa. Paying per article is often the best approach, as it motivates writers to perform well, and you only pay for what they deliver.

Generating a content brief using AI tools is a good start. The following steps involve either writing the content yourself or hiring someone. Avoid using fully automated AI content that publishes directly to WordPress, as it’s unreliable for long-term success. It’s better to have a content editor who understands AI or to outsource to reliable writers.

By following these steps and optimising the content, you ensure your affiliate website gets the quality content it needs to succeed.

Using SEO Techniques

One can either write content themselves or choose to outsource. I’ve found using tools like to be very effective. By inputting a keyword, the tool processes the top search results and helps generate an outline, including headings, facts, and statistics.

Here’s how I do it:

  1. Input Keyword: For instance, “golf clubs Glasgow.”
  2. Select Country: I usually set it to the United Kingdom.
  3. Generate Document: The tool then analyses the top 20 search results.
  4. Create Outline: The tool uses AI to draft an outline, which I can tweak as needed.

Table: Features of SEO Tools

Feature Description
Keyword Input Users can set specific keywords for their content.
Country Selection Select the target country for search results.
Outline Generation AI generates a content outline based on top results.
Custom Headings Users can add their headings if preferred.
Integration Tools Option to integrate with platforms like Google Search Console.

I also encourage adding internal and external links within articles to boost SEO. Tools can help with this process, making creating and optimising content faster. Once the draft is ready, reviewing and enhancing it further is essential, as is adding unique insights and links.

When outsourcing, I recommend platforms such as Upwork or Fiverr. It can be challenging to find the right fit, but I have had success hiring writers from South Africa. Posting job ads on LinkedIn also works well. Paying writers per article often keeps them motivated.

Hiring a content editor familiar with AI tools can be valuable. Although automated AI content tools exist, I don’t recommend relying on them entirely for affiliate websites now. Instead, focus on producing high-quality, manually reviewed content to ensure long-term success.

Content Writing Automation

When creating content for affiliate marketing, you can either write it yourself or outsource it. Many people choose to outsource. This is where tools come in handy. I use a tool called to create content briefs. You begin by entering a keyword. For example, if I wanted to sell golf clubs in Glasgow, I would set the country to the United Kingdom. processes the top 20 search results for that keyword, chooses headings from those results and uses AI to assemble an outline. It then drafts the first part, ensuring the article contains all the important topics. This process accelerates content creation. Here is a simple table showing the steps:

Step Action
1 Enter a keyword (e.g., “golf clubs Glasgow”)
2 Set the country (optional)
3 Create a document
4 processes the top 20 search results
5 Generate an outline using AI
6 Begin the first draft, incorporating relevant facts and statistics

The first draft includes brief paragraphs. You can keep clicking “write more” to expand the content. After this, you need to optimise the article. Add internal and external links, which is crucial for SEO. Integrating tools like Google Search Console can further enhance the quality of the content.

Some writers might use ChatGPT or similar tools to refine the article. Outsourcing content to platforms like Upwork or Fiverr is another option. However, finding good writers is essential, which can be challenging. I’ve had success finding writers in South Africa through LinkedIn. Posting a job ad there and paying per article can be effective. It encourages quality work without long-term commitments.

Automated AI tools that directly publish to WordPress aren’t reliable for long-term success in affiliate marketing. They cannot often post images and manage large-scale updates. Instead, hiring a content editor who understands AI or simply outsourcing the writing is more effective.

Creating a detailed content brief with an AI tool and giving it to your writer is a streamlined method. This ensures the articles are well-structured and cover all necessary points.

Platforms for Outsourcing Content

There are several available platforms for outsourcing content. Upwork and Fiverr are popular for finding writers to create content for your affiliate website. They allow you to post jobs and hire freelancers who specialise in writing.

Another effective way is through LinkedIn. You can find skilled content writers by posting job ads targeting specific regions, such as South Africa. Payment per article often motivates them to produce quality work.

Using specific tools and methods:

  • Content Briefs: Use a tool like to create a detailed brief, including keywords, subheaders, and statistics. This helps structure the article efficiently.
  • AI Assistance: You can generate outlines and write drafts using AI tools. This speeds up the process, making it easier for your writers to build upon those foundations.

Important Tips:

  1. Deliver Clear Outlines: Provide your writers with clear and concise outlines.
  2. Optimise Articles: Ensure articles are well-optimised with relevant links and SEO practices.
  3. Avoid Full AI Automation: Current AI tools are unreliable for full content automation without compromising quality.

Finding the right balance between automated tools and human creativity can significantly enhance the efficiency of your content production.

Hiring Content Writers

When hiring content writers, reliable outsourcing options include Upwork and Fiverr. You can find various candidates, but finding the right fit remains. In my experience, I discovered South African writers to be exceptionally reliable. Posting job ads on LinkedIn has proven effective, allowing me to connect with motivated writers. Typically, I pay them per article, as this approach ensures task completion without the stress of overseeing them constantly.

When preparing content for these writers, using tools like to generate a content brief saves time. This tool processes top search results, generates headings, and drafts outlines. Handing over this outline to the writer speeds up the process. It’s flexible, too, as I can manually adjust headings or let the AI generate them.

Steps for Creating a Content Brief:

  1. Enter a keyword (e.g., “golf clubs Glasgow”).
  2. Select the country (e.g., United Kingdom).
  3. Generate the document, allowing the tool to process search results.
  4. Use AI-generated suggestions or create manual headings.
  5. Save and finalise the outline.

Once writers receive this detailed brief, they can focus on producing quality content. To improve the article further, I integrate it with tools for linking external and internal references, and optimise it before publishing. Although AI tools are helpful, I prefer having real writers refine the content, ensuring it’s reliable and engaging.

Benefits of Task-Based Compensation

Task-based payment methods offer flexibility. Writers can be paid per article, motivating them to work efficiently. This avoids the need for long-term contracts and ensures that only productive writers are kept on.

Increased Motivation

Paying per task encourages high performance. Writers know exactly what they need to do to earn their pay, leading to better-quality content. This approach also helps assess the writer’s skills quickly.


It’s cost-effective. You can control your budget by setting a per-article rate. If a writer produces more articles, they earn more, but you aren’t paying for unproductive time if their output is low.


This model allows for easy scaling. You can hire more writers without worrying about fixed salaries if the workload increases. This flexibility is advantageous during peak times when more content is needed.

Quality Control

It’s easier to manage quality. If a writer consistently underperforms, you can stop assigning them tasks rather than dealing with the complications of ending a contract. This ensures that only the best content makes it to your website.

Using LinkedIn for Recruitment

When it comes to hiring content writers, LinkedIn is a great tool. Posting a job ad can help you find skilled writers, especially from specific regions like South Africa. You can target ads to precise areas, increasing the chance of finding quality candidates. Screening applicants is the next step once you have your job ad up.

Steps to Recruit on LinkedIn:

  1. Create a Job Ad
  2. Specify Target Locations
  3. Review Applications
  4. Conduct Interviews

By paying per article, you motivate writers to deliver good work. This method avoids long-term commitments and helps manage productivity easily.

Benefits of Using LinkedIn

Example Payment Structure

Task Payment per Article
Short Article £25
Long Article £50
Research Articles £75

Using LinkedIn for recruitment simplifies finding dependable and skilled writers, making managing and scaling your content creation efforts easier.

AI Content Risks for Affiliate Websites

Several risks exist when using AI to create content for affiliate websites. First, AI can generate content quickly, but this might lack the depth and originality required to engage readers. It may become repetitive or generic, reducing the overall quality of your site.

Another risk is accuracy. AI tools might incorporate outdated or incorrect information from their sources, which can mislead readers and damage your credibility. To ensure that AI-generated content is trustworthy and current, it is crucial to fact-check and review it.

Plagiarism is a big concern as well. Some AI tools might pull from existing content too closely, which can lead to plagiarism issues. Always use plagiarism checkers and ensure the content is sufficiently unique.

Automated AI content might not meet your specific voice and style requirements. Each affiliate website has its own unique tone, and AI may struggle to replicate this consistently, leading to a disjointed reader experience.

Maintaining SEO standards is another challenge. While AI can help with keyword integration, it might not fully understand the nuances of SEO, like balancing keyword density and avoiding keyword stuffing, which could negatively impact your site’s ranking.

Table: Potential AI Content Risks

Risk Description
Quality This may result in generic or repetitive content
Accuracy Potential for outdated or incorrect information
Plagiarism Risk of content being too similar to existing works
Consistency Difficulty in matching the specific voice and style of the website
SEO Compliance Potential to mismanage keyword density and other SEO factors

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