Category: Caribbean
Follow Our Journey! Bravo, Charlie, Foxtrot, & Sierra 2- Day 15
By Josephine A July 31, 2024 Written by Emily D., mate on Mile Hi Challenge day update!! The Mile Hi counselors were woken up to their replacement counselors for the day. For challenge day, all the students on Mile Hi became in charge of their own vessel with little to no staff assistance…but before that…turtle…
Follow Our Journey! Bravo, Charlie, Foxtrot, & Sierra 2- Day 16
Written by Darby T., mate on Tonga This morning, campers and staff woke up after a big night spent dancing the night away with Alpha Fleet at Sidney’s. We all had a good and nutritious breakfast to help prepare us for the day’s activities. Today was one of the best days at camp and it…
Follow Our Journey! Lima – Days 12-14
Written by Frankie P., Student on Polygala Today’s weather was cloudy with light wind and some drizzling and cumulonimbus clouds. Thomas made bacon, and we had cereal with apples for breakfast. We spent two nights at Long Bay. The first night we were the only boat in the bay but on the second night, all…
Follow Our Journey! Delta 2 – Days 12-14
Written by Christina C., Social Media & Mate on Nosy Be We woke up early at St. Barth to swim out to a rock at Sandy Beach that we could dive off of. Everyone braved the 30 ft jump and we de-anchored to head out on our all-day sail to St. Kitts. Percy, a long-time…
Follow Our Journey! Alpha & Tango – Day 8
Written by Anna H., Mate on Jackalope We’re thrilled to share the latest from Day 8 of our adventure! Our crew aboard Jackalope has truly impressed us with their positivity, enthusiasm, and intelligence! We’re all enjoying sailing through the British Virgin Islands together. Today began with a beautiful sunrise and breakfast of eggs, bagels, and…
Follow Our Journey! Alpha & Tango – Day 7
Written by Izy L., Mate on Maora Day 7 of our program started with a “helipad hike” to enjoy the beautiful views from Norman Island. After playing a few games and checking out the cacti along the trail, we headed back to the boat to prepare for our various adventures. Some students went to the…
Follow Our Journey! Lima Days 11-13
Written by Reagan C., Student on Nosy Be After our snorkel at the Indians off of Norman Island, we sailed to Scrub Island. We made a DIY breakfast and the weather was much less windy than it was last week. At Scrub Island, we picked up a mooring ball at Marina Cay, a mooring field…
Follow Our Journey! Alpha & Tango – Day 6
Written by Sammy K., Mate on Betty’s Dream Our crew woke up this morning bright and early to start our day off at Village with a delicious breakfast buffet with bagels, cereal, fruit, and juices! Sonya did a wonderful job as skipper and led the sail safely from Village Cay Marina to the Bight on…
Follow Our Journey! Bravo, Charlie, Foxtrot, & Sierra 2- Day 14
Written by Tripp P., Mega Fleet Captain Today marked day 14 of our Mega 2s where we came to Anegada! We started our day at Bitter End Yacht Club in the North Sound. After a classic breakfast buffet, we gathered our gear and prepared for our journey to Anegada. The waters were a mesmerizing shade…
Follow Our Journey! Bravo, Charlie, Foxtrot, & Sierra 2- Day 13
Written by Dan V., captain on Le Grand Bleu Today was a truly quintessential Sail Caribbean day! We woke up in the beautiful encourage of Long Bay to a wonderful sunrise. Then our incredible children cooked a breakfast of eggs, bagels, and avocados. We then picked up our anchor and sailed a beautiful close-reach course…