Category: Caribbean
Refits and Reflections from Annapolis // How the Hell do we Move Forward?!
If there is any cure for the COVID blues it’ll be offshore sailing. Next week the crews of both boats arrive in Annapolis for what will be an epic passage south. Our goal is Antigua, over 1,600 miles from Annapolis, normally a 10-11 day passage or so. But with COVID, the island is requiring all…
ICEBEAR Update, November 13 // Headwinds
Update from ICEBEAR, Friday 13 november, 04.30 boat time Friday the 13th. Spooky. Day five of headwinds. They’ve varied in strength but never in direction – right on the nose. It’s been a while since I’ve sailed close-hauled for this long. 847 miles since we left Annapolis, with the first 130 or so motor-boatin’ down…
ICEBEAR Update, November 14 // T-Minus 10 Seconds to the End of the World
Shannon and I were waiting for a shockwave. She even suggested we should drop the sails in anticipation and I didn’t immediately disagree. This was all happening pretty quickly, and was genuinely unnerving. All I could think of was that the US had just gotten nuked. The white veil appeared to me like what the…
ISBJORN Update November 15 // Beam reaching at 8 kts
ISBJORN UpdateNovember 15, 05.00 It is 2152 here on Isbjorn and i just got off watch at 2100. I am sitting at he Nav Station on Isbjorn with only one red reading light illuminating the dark cloudy night. What a difference a night can make out here. Last night it was gusting 30knts apparent and…
ISBJORN Update November 15 // Ahoy Shipmates
Ahoy Shipmates 1800 position report @ 29 32 N 59 39 W HDG 177 T Crew almost fell over to the right after cracking off , everyone adjusting to the new reaching conditions while learning how to read and dodge squalls , ISBJORN is loving the conditions just about to sit down for crew dinner…
ICEBEAR Update, November 16 // Squally night
0323 in the morning. We had a very fast start to the day, broad reaching with full sail, including the staysail, in like 20-25 knots of wind from the ENE. Topped out at 10.6, and averaged over 9 knots on the 12-4pm watch. Scott & Shook-Ming covered 37 miles in that stretch! Mostly on autopilot,…
Bravo, Charlie, Foxtrot, Sierra 2: Day 18 – Trellis Bay
Written by Megan Deevy, Mate Today we sailed from Nanny Key to Trellis Bay. We had a calm morning with a breakfast full of bacon and eggs. We departed the docks at 10 am after a little bit of shore time for the kids to have more experience around a large dock. As we departed…
ICEBEAR Update, November 17 // Blog from Emma
ICEBEAR UpdateNovember 17, 09.30 It’s 0930 and we’re sailing upwind again, making 8.5 knots and pointing for our destination. I didn’t think our crew would see any downwind sailing this passage, with all the forecasts showing week after week of headwinds. They had gotten used to life at an angle, and the “low side” was…
Late Alpha, Charlie, Foxtrot, Sierra: Days 1 & 2 – Arrival & Soldiers Bay
Day 1: Written by Anna Sutton, Social Media Coordinator Campers began their journey to Sail Caribbean bright and early, traveling far and wide to join together in Tortola. Students who arrived via the USVI received a warm welcome from Sail Caribbean staff at the St. Thomas airport before loading into taxis and boarding a…
ISBJORN & ICEBEAR update // November 19
Here is another update from the boats, this time I decided to make a combined post from both of the boats. ICEBEAR is within 100 miles from Antigua with and ETA this evening, not sure if they can make it before sunset. ISBJORN is about a day behind, and will arrive sometime Friday evening /…