A Collection of Sailing Quotes

You must have heard of terms like: “Land Ho!” or “Aye Aye Captain!” But did you know they were actually sailing quotes? Embarking on your first sailing adventure will surely be a whole lot easier if you already know the sailing language that speaks directly to the heart of every sailor. This article is about to show you how to sound like a true sailor in any sailing situation.

What Is the Importance of Sailing Quotes?

The sea, the sun and the wind have always been the best remedies for all diseases, broken hearts and loneliness. If you have never experienced the healing power of a day spent at sea and on a sailing ship, do it as soon as possible. You are missing out big time! Breathing in the sea air and the wind, feeling the sun’s warmth on your skin and listening to the waves crashing the rocks are truly unique experiences. And do not even get me started on sailing. Although it may sound complicated, it will be easier with our sailing guide.

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So, you have decided to dedicate your life to the sea and the wind. You have mastered the art of sailing and you have started spending more and more time on board. Then you will inevitably become a sailor who lives a life according to inspiring sailing quotes! Life on board can be tough, you can face all kinds of difficulties from bad weather or boat malfunction to boredom or feeling homesick. However, keep in mind that when you face and overcome those difficulties, this short dictionary will lift your spirit. You might also want to share them with others as your Instagram or Facebook captions.

We have gathered here a list of famous sailing quotes and sailor sayings that can help you survive the oh-so-monotone days on a sailing ship. Those still dreaming about sailing can be inspired to get out of their comfort zone and embark on their first sailing adventure. As long as you are decisive and ready to work on realizing your dreams, the rest will come. While you are still just considering it, after reading our favourite sailor sayings you will think no more!

Sailing quotes
Sailing in the sunset

Sailing Quotes for the Indecisive

  • “A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” – John A. Shedd
  • “To young men contemplating a voyage, I would say GO.” – Joshua Slocum
  • “The cure for anything is saltwater – sweat, tears, or the sea.” – Isak Dinesen
  • “There is nothing more enticing, disenchanting, and enslaving than the life at sea.” – Joseph Conrad
  • “You haven’t lived until you’ve sailed.” – David Sedaris, Theft by Finding: Diaries
  • “The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.” – Jacques Yves Cousteau

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Sailing Quotes for the Adventurous

  • “I wanted freedom, open air and adventure. I found it on the sea.” – Alaine Gerbault
  • “He that will not sail till all dangers are over must never put to sea.” – Dr Thomas Fuller
  • “The art of the sailor is to leave nothing to chance.” – Annie Van De Wiele
  • “The sea hates a coward.” – Eugene O’Neill
  • “A sailor is an artist whose medium is the wind.” – Webb Chiles
  • “The wind and the waves are always on the side of the ablest navigator.” – Edmund Gibbon
Gulet in the sunset
Gulet in the sunset

Sailing Quotes for Those Who Need a Little Bit of Inspiration

  • “They that go down to the sea in ships, and occupy their business in great waters; these men see the works of the Lord; and His wonders in the deep.” – Book of Common Prayer
  • “A bad day sailing is 100 times better than a good day at work.” – Anonymous
  • “The days pass happily with me wherever my ship sails.” – Joshua Slocum
  • “To be successful at sea we must keep things simple.” – Pete Culler
  • “To reach a port we must set sail – Sail, not tie at anchor. Sail, not drift.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • “No literature is richer than that of the sea. No story is more enthralling, no tradition is more secure.” – Felix Riesenberg

Sailing Quotes for the Courageous

In the sea of sailing quotes and sailor sayings, we can highlight the ones by Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway, two of the most influential writers of all time. Get out of your comfort zone and let their sailor quotes serve as your greatest encouragement.

  • “Now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be Pirates.” – Mark Twain
  • “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain
  • “A man is never lost at sea.” – Ernest Hemingway
  • “The sea is the same as it has been since before men ever went on it in boats.” – Ernest Hemingway

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Which Sailor Quotes Have Found Their Use in Everyday Language?

There are many phrases that we use on a regular basis that have their origin in the nautical world. However, they have lost their original meaning, so most of the time we are not aware that we are using the same phrases that were once used by sailors. We made a list of the most popular sailor phrases used in everyday language, explaining their metaphorical and original meaning.

The first example is the term feeling under the weather that people nowadays use to describe the feeling of sadness. Sailors would use this phrase when the weather was rough to warn the passengers to retreat to the lower levels of the boat to keep them safe from the storm.

We have all, not only once, experienced the calm before the storm. For example, we know that a really bad argument is always preceded by an extremely peaceful period. Sailors, on the other side, would use this phrase in anticipation of bad weather.

A sailing boat at sea

People often find themselves at a loose end, meaning they do not know what to do next. When on board, something that is often loose is the rope. A loose end means that the rope is not attached properly.

Have you ever gone overboard and completely exaggerated in your actions? Similar to that, when you go overboard on a boat, it means that you literally fall out of it.

The phrase fair winds and following seas is one of the most known sailor sayings. It means that the wind direction will be probably the same as the sea direction. It indicates that the sailors will probably have a “perfect day on the sea”. Furthermore, the phrase smooth sailing has a pretty similar meaning to the phrase fair winds and following seas. Smooth sailing means that there’ll be no problems further on, everything is alright now.

The phrase Anchors Aweigh means that there are no anchors in the sea at the moment, they are all clear of the sea bottom and the boat is ready for departure.

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Sailor Slang – A Unique Way of Communication

Another interesting linguistic feature that emerged from the nautical world is sailor slang. Over the years spent on the sea, sailors have developed their own way of communicating. And that language was unknown to the ones who were not part of the crew. The phrases and nautical terms that they used were short and sweet, some of the examples are:

  • “Aye Aye Captain!” – a sign of approval
  • “Ahoy!” – sailors would use this exclamation among themselves to call out to each other
  • “Land Ho!” – an exclamation that a sailor would make when they spotted the land
  • “Matey” – mate, friend
  • “Me” – referring to “my”
  • “Ye” – referring to the pronoun “you”
  • “Yo-ho-ho…and a bottle of rum!” – the first part refers to sailors’ laughter and the second one, well, we could say that rum was their favorite beverage.
A boat marina in the sunset
Marina in the sunset

Sailor slang was highly popularized by the eccentric Captain Jack Sparrow from the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean”. Jack Sparrow is an example of a real cap’n (captain) who loved his sailing ship Black Pearl more than his life and a man who gave his life to the sea. What a great example for a modern sailor, huh? Aside from his rum obsession and occasional cowardness, he was quite successful in his job. We are sure that you already quote him on a daily basis, but we will mention a few of his epic sailor quotes:

  • “Why is the rum always gone?”
  • “Hide the rum!”
  • “Wherever we want to go, we go… that’s what a ship is, you know.”
  • “The seas may be rough, but I am the Captain! No matter how difficult, I will always prevail.”

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At the end of the day, you do not have to use sailing sayings and sailor quotes to be a sailor. Carleton Mitchell once said: “To desire nothing beyond what you have is surely happiness. Aboard a boat, it is frequently possible to achieve just that. That is why sailing is a way of life, one of the finest of lives.” Therefore, to be a successful sailor, the most important thing is to live without the fear of the unknown, to gather up the courage and start living your life to the fullest – at the sea.

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