How AI Can Make Big Waves In The Marina Industry

President & CEO at AD1 Global, a fully integrated hospitality, acquisition, development & management company headquartered in Florida.

As CEO and president of AD1 Global, a Florida-based hospitality company, we are leveraging the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to transform the way we engage with our guests and streamline our operations. The success we’ve achieved in the hospitality industry has given me a unique perspective on the potential applications of this emerging tech across many sectors, but particularly for the marina industry. I believe many of the same benefits we have seen in our hotels are conducive to the marinas as they are also based on service, amenities and the guest experience.

From Hotels To Harbors: A Transferable Model

The hospitality and marina industries share a fundamental goal: to provide exceptional service and memorable experiences to their guests. In the hospitality industry, we’ve utilized AI to address a variety of these challenges, from managing high volumes of phone inquiries to personalizing guest experiences.

This journey began as a necessity, driven by the need to improve operational efficiency in a time of challenging staffing and increasing wages, without compromising the quality of service.

At the recent Association of Marina Industries (AMI) conference, we shared how these innovations could be adapted and applied to the marina industry. Just as leaders have used AI to streamline reservations and enhance guest services in hotels, marinas can employ similar technologies to manage occupancy, maintenance schedules, parts inventory and customer inquiries with greater efficiency and accuracy.

AI: Enhancing Customer Service And Operational Efficiency

The application of AI in marinas could revolutionize the way they operate, mirroring successes seen in the hospitality industry. For example, AI-powered systems can automate the process of slip assignments, considering the size of the boat, the duration of stay and the specific amenities required. This can not only optimize marina space but also ensures that boaters’ needs are met more accurately and efficiently.

Moreover, AI can play a crucial role in predictive maintenance, alerting marina managers to potential issues before they escalate into costly repairs. By analyzing data on boat usage and wear, AI systems can schedule maintenance in a way that minimizes downtime and maximizes satisfaction among boat owners.

The Human Touch Amplified By AI

One of the key lessons from our experience in hospitality is that AI does not replace the human element; rather, it enhances it. By automating routine tasks, AI frees up staff to provide a more attentive and personalized service. This synergy between technology and human interaction is where the true value of AI lies, creating more meaningful experiences for guests while improving operational efficiencies.

Navigating The Future Together

As we look to the future, the potential for AI in the marina industry is vast. Implementing smart booking systems, AI-driven customer service platforms and predictive maintenance algorithms are just the beginning. The real journey lies in continuous innovation and adaptation, leveraging AI not just as a tool for solving current challenges but as a foundation for reimagining what’s possible.

Whenever implementing new technologies, there is the fear of the unknown. Will it break my system? Will it fail? Will it cost me an arm and a leg? These are the questions that keep an operator up at night. AI was no exception. In fact it posed an even bigger unknown and because it comes with baggage. People fear it.

I myself was caught off guard during initial testing when I sensed that people thought we were going to replace them with this new technology. Some of the general managers frankly did not want to serve as a testing ground. The hotel managers would rather have a warm body then a system or platform to help them run their hotels. I didn’t blame them. The challenge was to educate the team that AI is not intended to replace a person. It is only meant to augment their capabilities. For example, we can’t answer 100 telephone calls all at once with a staff of only five, but with AI telephony we can. That is the beauty of it. AI is infinitely scalable. The front desk can’t answer 20 text message queries from guests simultaneously, but AI can. This is the revolution.

But at the end of the day when the problem is significant or personal, it is the human that has to intercede to make things right with the guest. So part of the path to success is to educate your people that AI is not an usurper or a Terminator. It is by design meant to help your teams work smarter not harder so they can focus on the things that really matter to the guest. Once your people realized this, then they can embrace the AI and give you feedback on how to make it better. It is no longer perceived as a threat.

A Call To Collaborate And Innovate

The transition toward AI-powered operations in the marina industry represents a significant shift, mirroring the evolution we’ve witnessed in hospitality. It requires not only investment in technology but also a commitment to rethinking traditional practices. By sharing insights and collaborating across industries, we can accelerate this transformation, benefiting from shared lessons and innovations.

Drawing from our insights and achievements, I see a tremendous opportunity for marinas to harness AI, enhancing efficiency and elevating the customer experience in ways that parallel the hospitality industry’s evolution.

In conclusion, the journey of integrating AI into the marina industry is not without its challenges, but the rewards—enhanced efficiency, improved customer satisfaction and new growth opportunities—are well worth the voyage. Drawing from our experiences in hospitality, we stand ready to navigate these new waters together, steering toward a future where AI empowers marinas to achieve unprecedented levels of service and success.

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