Mission accomplished: KRI Frans Kaisiepo sailing home from Lebanon – Middle East and Africa

he Indonesian Navy’s KRI Frans Kaisiepo has is on its way home after concluding its duty with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) Maritime Task Force (MTF) under the Garuda Contingent (Konga) XXVIII-N.

The warship departed the Port of Beirut on Jan. 11, the Indonesian Navy said in a press release on Saturday, with Indonesian Ambassador to Lebanon Hajriyanto Y. Thohari and other envoys attending its send-off.

Ambassador Hajriyanto expressed his pride in the KRI Frans Kaisiepo’s crew for their dedication, service and achievements in conducting their duties as mandated by the UN, as well as taking part in a diplomatic mission while stationed in Lebanon as cultural ambassadors to promote Indonesian arts and culture.

The warship has embarked on a 27-day journey home with stops in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Salalah, Oman, and Cochin, India, before it arrives at the Indonesian Navy’s Second Fleet Command in Surabaya.

Earlier on Jan. 9, KRI Frans Kaisiepo commanding officer Lt. Col. John David Nalasakti Sondakh took part in a transfer of authority (TOA) ceremony with his replacement, commanding officer Lt. Col. Wirastyo Haprabu of KRI Diponegoro, which is to serve the UNIFIL MTF under the Konga XXVIII-O.

Read also: Indonesia has no plans to withdraw peacekeepers from Lebanon, says Prabowo

During the ceremony, UNIFIL MTF commander Rear Adm. Dirk Gurtner from Germany handed over a letter of appreciation to John from UNIFIL head of mission Maj. Gen. Aroldo Lazaro Saenz from Spain.

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