Follow Our Journey: Bravo, Charlie, Foxtrot & Sierra – Day 11



Written by Zoe F., social media coordinator/mate

We slept till 7:30 am on July 5th and prepared a delicious pancake breakfast with berries. We organized the salon and refueled our water tanks before heading out to Long Bay on Beef Island. Campers hung out together on the helm during the sail, and some caught a few extra minutes of shut-eye, being sleepy from the later-than-usual night we had celebrating July 4th the night before. I sailed on Vida, and Jaime did an awesome job as skipper of the day!





We anchored in Long Bay and had bagels and deli sandwiches for lunch before the dive boats arrived to pick up the divers. The rest of us then dinghied to shore, where we enjoyed refreshments, a sandcastle-building contest, and played games in the water. Those who were interested in watersports had a blast being towed around on our “Jumbo Dog” hotdog inflatable tube. Others interested in receiving their ASA certifications went small boat sailing on our Colgate. The dive boat returned around 4:30 pm, and we all headed back to our boats to begin boat showers. Today was a lot of fun, and a cool breeze was a nice break from the constant heat. More provisions were delivered to our boats, including oranges, apples, and a fan favorite, “Hint of Lime” Tostito chips. For dinner, we made Carbonara! Our night ended with sharing Oreos and talking about our plan for tomorrow. Goodnight, Long Bay!


The post Follow Our Journey: Bravo, Charlie, Foxtrot & Sierra – Day 11 first appeared on Sail Caribbean.

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